From Pixelpost

GettingStarted: Install


Installation is now smooth and clean thanks to our new install assistant. It is self-explanatory, with tips and hints helping you know what to do if anything fails.

How do I start?

  1. First, download Pixelpost (there is a download link on our home page)
  2. Second, create a database in your MySQL administration (if you don't have one already).
    Tip: Usually you find your MySQL administration in or in Contact your web host if you need help creating a database.
  3. Third, unzip the Pixelpost package and upload it to your server. You can place it into the domain root as well as any folder of your choice.
  4. Open your browser and go to the following address:
  5. Follow the instructions provided on screen and enjoy photoblogging with Pixelpost!


Welcome Screen


You can select your favorite language here.

Startup Information

Welcome Screen

What does Pixelpost need to know for the next installation step?



Here you see the result of some server tests Pixelpost runs before the installation.
If there is anything that doesn't pass the tests (red color), you have to go and correct that:

Requirements passed

<- This is how it should look like if everything is ok.

Database Settings

Database Settings

Please enter your database connection login here and press the button "Test Connection". No tables will be created at this stage.

Database Settings ok

<- If Pixelpost could connect to the databse, you will see this screen.
If not, look up your database login information or ask your hosting provider.

Administrator Details

Administrator Details

Please enter your administrator login and administrator email here. Pixelpost can send you your login data to the email address provided. You can change all of these settings later on in the administrator panel.

Administrator Details ok

<- If everything worked well, you will see this screen.
If not, something went wrong with sending the email to the address given.



Here you can enter some main settings. You can change all of these settings later on in the admin panel.

Settings ok

<- If everything worked well, you will see this screen.
If not, I have no idea because it is very hard to do something wrong here.


Configuration OK

<- If you see this screen, everything was ok and Pixelpost could create your configuration file automatically. You can proceed by pressing the button "Continue Installation".

Configuration Failed

<- If something went wrong, you will see this screen. Don't worry, there is help.
First thing to try is set the CHMOD of the includes folder to 777 and try again. You don't remember CHMOD? Look here!
If it still won't work you can now download the configuration file Pixelpost has created for you. Check the database connection settings and upload it via FTP into your includes folder.
If you are done, re-test the connection please. Now you should see the successful configuration screen.



<- If you see this screen, you are done! All database tables are created and everything is to go. Pixelpost provides you once more with your administrator login data, keep it well, you will need it the next time you want to access the admin area.
For now, Pixelpost has logged you in already and will lead you right into the admin panel where you can upload your first image. And while you are there, you should explore your admin panel. You can find out detailed information on each menu of the Admin Panel in the documentation.

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Page last modified on November 03, 2007, at 04:52 PM